How to Create a Great Business Listing

If you’ve taken the decision to list your business for sale, you’ll want to attract qualified buyers from the get-go. Obviously, you’ll already be undertaking a thorough review of your business to make sure it’s groomed and ready for sale, but if you’re listing online, you need to pay close attention to the way you present your business to potential buyers.
So, give some focus to producing well-written marketing materials that incorporate the details that will help reel in the buyers you want – those who have the finance, know what they want and are ready to make a purchasing decision.
The more information you include when building your listing, the more detailed your listing will be. This means you're likely to get more enquires and have a higher chance of finding that perfect buyer.
You may not be keen to give away confidential information but if you don’t include annual revenue and profit figures, how will a potential buyer know if your business fits their requirements? Seasoned, knowledgeable buyers will have a good idea of how much they’re prepared to spend and, by including some headline figures, you’ll also pre-qualify your callers.
Wherever possible, use photos that convey the quality of your business. If you feel you’re hamstrung because you don’t want to reveal its identity, use non-assignable shots – maybe of interiors or views – that will appeal. If you’re selling a restaurant, it may simply be pictures of your tasteful furnishings, dining tables or a busy kitchen. A listing without photos won’t attract buyers’ interest.
It’s essential to provide a phone number and email address so buyers can contact you to discuss details or arrange a viewing. Consider providing a number and email created specifically for the purposes of progressing your sale; it’s a great strategy for keeping your business identity confidential at this point and will also make it easy to track ad responses. Make sure you check your communications daily and respond promptly to any enquiries.
You’ll be solely responsible for the content for your listing so don’t leave anything to chance. When you’ve checked the details, ask a friend to read it through for mistakes before posting your ad.